Housing Supports
Kawartha Lakes Haliburton Housing Corporation
322 Kent St. Lindsay, Ontario
Phone: 1-800-463-4120
A Place Called Home
If you or someone you know is homeless and has nowhere to sleep tonight or if you at risk of becoming homeless, or are a previous resident of our shelter and need support, please call 705 328-0905 or 1-866-520-2689, press 1.
If you are 16 or 17 years of age and are homeless or living in any unstable situation, call a Youth Trustee Worker to book an appointment during hours of operation by calling the office at 705 328-0905 or 1-866-520-2689, ext. 223.
Housing and ID Supports
Ontario Works clients should contact their caseworker. All others should contact teh Housing Help Centre at 1-844-878-9367.
322 Kent St. Lindsay, Ontario
Phone: 1-800-463-4120
A Place Called Home
If you or someone you know is homeless and has nowhere to sleep tonight or if you at risk of becoming homeless, or are a previous resident of our shelter and need support, please call 705 328-0905 or 1-866-520-2689, press 1.
If you are 16 or 17 years of age and are homeless or living in any unstable situation, call a Youth Trustee Worker to book an appointment during hours of operation by calling the office at 705 328-0905 or 1-866-520-2689, ext. 223.
Housing and ID Supports
Ontario Works clients should contact their caseworker. All others should contact teh Housing Help Centre at 1-844-878-9367.